Will My Car Accident Case Settle Out of Court?

Will My Car Accident Case Settle Out of Court?

An estimated 4.4 million Americans are seriously injured in car accidents each year. Oftentimes, victims of car accidents are left with a serious financial burden.

If you were injured in a car accident caused by another driver’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. First, you will need to file a car accident claim.

How likely is it that your car accident case will make it to the courtroom? The short answer is not very likely.

Read on to learn more about why most car accident claims result in a car accident settlement.

Why Your Car Accident Case Will Probably Settle Out of Court

The overwhelming majority of car accident claims settle, rather than going to court. Why is this the case and who does it benefit?

When you sue the driver responsible for your injuries, there’s a strong chance that their insurance company is responsible for your compensation. Insurance companies try to close car accident cases ASAP, which means avoiding a judge and a jury. This saves them money spent on the trial and, in some cases, money paid out to the plaintiff.

However, the defendant isn’t the only one who can benefit from an out-of-court settlement. In the rare event that your car accident case goes to trial, you could run into a few problems. For example, some witnesses do not seem as credible on the stand, causing the jury to feel doubt about the facts of your case.

A settlement can also mean that you receive compensation faster. The key is to avoid a fast but low settlement.

How to Avoid a Low Car Accident Settlement

Even if your car accident case never sees a courtroom, you should always work with a car accident lawyer. Insurance companies are armed with experienced and sometimes manipulative lawyers of their own. When you don’t have strong representation, they can take advantage of your lack of expertise when it comes to car accident laws.

A car accident lawyer can also spot a low settlement and push for more. Because you are in a vulnerable state, the defense may try to convince you to accept a low offer in order to get money faster. Your lawyer can advise you on when to wait and when to settle.

Want to know more about how car accident cases work and why you need a lawyer? Read this blog to find out what you need to know.

Work With Legal Representation

If you’re getting ready to file a car accident claim, the best thing that you can do for yourself is to hire a car accident lawyer. It’s rare for a car accident case to go to trial, but that doesn’t mean that you should try to defend yourself outside of the courtroom.

Want to brush up on more information about how the law works? Take a look around as we cover legal topics ranging from family law to immigration law and beyond.

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